This Act is designed to protect young workers and to ensure that work during the school year does not put a young person's education at risk.
The Act applies generally to employees under 18 years of age:
* Child: under 16 years of age
* Young person: 16-18 years of age
Conditions of Employment, Hours of Work and Rest Periods
Maximum weekly working hours for under 16 years ( 14/15)
Term time Nil
Holiday work 35
Work experience 40
During the summer holidays under 16s must have at least 21 days free
Time off and rest breaks for under 16s:
Half hour rest break: after four hours work
Daily rest break: 14 consecutive hours off
Weekly rest break: Two days off, as far as practicable to be consecutive
Working hours, time off and rest breaks for 16-17 year olds:
Maximum working day: Eight hours
Maximum working week: 40 hours
Half hour rest breaks: After four and a half hours work
Daily rest break: 12 consecutive hours off
Weekly rest break: Two days off, as far as practicable to be consecutive
Night and Early Morning Work
Under 16s may not be required to work before 8.00 a.m. or after 8.00 p.m. In general 16 and 17 year olds may not be employed before 6.00 a.m. or after 10.00 p.m. During School holidays and on weekend nights 16 and 17 year olds who have no school the next day may work up to 11.00 p.m. where there are exceptional circumstances and the Minister is so satisfied.
Before a child under 16 is employed, written permission must be furnished by the parent or guardian.
A register must be kept containing the following information on any person employed under 18:
* Full name
* Date of birth
* Time work begins each day
* Time work finished each day
* Rate of wages/salary paid
* Total amount of wages/salary paid
Regulations under the Act require Employers to give to their workers aged 18 a copy of the official summary of the Act.